Working on updates 0% complete.
don't turn off your PC. This will take a while.
Your PC may restart servel times.

Windows Trojan Prank

Windows locked due to unusual activity. Please log in again using your Microsoft ID and password.

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malware ion

Malware Detected

The engine could not load.

The signatures are not valid or are corrupted.

The signature database is corrupted.

For assistance, contact Microsoft Support

+1 184 258 7965


OS Update Available

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Windows Update

Error Code: 0x80242016

Incomplete or incorrect update files installed

Corrupt Temporary WU (Windows Update) File

Error encountered

One of the update services is not running properly.


Windows Defender

malware ion

Sorry, scan is not completed!

Error Code: 0x80508024

A full system scan may fix the error code.

Please proceed with the recommended scan.

An antimalware scan was stopped before it finished

For assistance, contact Microsoft Support

+1 184 258 7965